Become A Member
We would love to have you join us here at the Parkinson Activity Centre. We are a 50+ and active group that enjoys getting out and meeting people all while being physically and socially active. Becoming a member is simple!
Just drop in to the Centre any time between 8:00am and 2:30pm Monday through Friday when the Registration desk is open to complete a short application form and pay the $20.00/year membership fee. Valid June 1 to May 31 yearly.
You will receive your Membership Card on the spot and are then welcome to participate in any of our activities by just paying the nominal drop in fee that applies to each group activity.
Anyone over 50 is able join us as a guest for activity ONE TIME prior to becoming a Member. You just need to show your ID at reception, sign the Waiver Form, and pay the drop in fee (in cash) associated with the activity.
We look forward to seeing you all!