250-762-4108 [email protected]


February 2019

Trekkers meet at the Parkinson Activity Center., 1700 Parkinson Way, at 9.00 AM (unless otherwise indicated.)  Wear hardy hiking shoes or boots, and bring water, hiking sticks and suitable clothing for weather. Most hikes will be under 2 hours in length and a stop for refreshments will be noted. Please note, these hikes are not easy strolls as most participants come to get the exercise. There will be hills and a moderately fast pace, and hikes are subject to change as conditions change. Those wishing to meet at the hike start should phone the leader to get the exact location. For more information on any of the hikes call the leader.

We would like Trekkers that go to the start of the hike, to get there around 9.00 AM for sign in:

February 6, 2019 Capital News Greenway:  Meet at the PAC at 9:00 A.M. We will walk in the Lower Mission/Greenway area. Park at the South end in front of the Capital News Center off Gordon Drive. Coffee will follow at Urban Fare on Lakeshore. The walk is easy Approx. 1.50 hours. Call Ed Letkeman at 250-808-7869 for more information.

February 13, 2019:   Meet at PAC and car pool to Chris and Bob’s house. (45-2200 Gordon Drive-The Fountains) Park outside on Charolais, a street opposite the Guisachan gate, or buzz to come in and park in the visitors parking just to the left of the Guisachan gate. (Reserved spots are marked-all others are available) Meet at #45 for sign in.  The walk will be in the neighborhood and will take approximately 1 hour, 30 minutes. Coffee will follow at #45. Carole Bridges or another volunteer will lead, but please phone Chris Bischoff-250 470 703 for further information.

February 20, 2019 Paul’s Tomb:  Car pool from PAC at 9.00 AM. Take Clement Avenue, take Clifton Road to the first light, left on Mountain Avenue to Mount Royal Drive, left on Royal View Drive. Park at the end by Knox Mountain entrance. We will walk to Paul’s Tomb via Knox Mountain, this is a moderate climb. Trek is about 1 hour and 45 minutes. Coffee to follow at Tim’s on Kane Road. For more information call Ed Letkeman at 250-808-7869).

February 22, 2019 Knox Mountain Special advanced:  This hike is difficult with a climb and lots of steps. Good hiking boots, poles, bring lunch and extra water is recommended.  Meet and car pool from PAC at 10:00 AM. Park by the Electrical Box on the street by the Tennis Courts at the bottom of Knox. Please pack your lunch and poles as we will have lunch along the trail. Approximately 3 hours. For more information call Ed Letkeman at 250-808-7869).

February 27, 2019 – Kelowna City Park – Car pool from Parkinson Activity Center at 9:00 am to the Knox Mountain parking lot at the end of Ellis Street. We will walk from there to City Park and have coffee at the Rotary Center for the Arts after which we will walk back to our vehicles. This is an easy flat walk lasting for about 45 minutes each way. For more information call Henning or Amanda at 250-868-2459 or Cell 250-878-2383.

Reminder: Anyone providing car pool must have $2 million

3rd Part Liability Insurance