This session is open to all levels. Please be respectful of each other and above all, have fun! IMPORTANT NOTE: Thursday, Saturday & Sunday Pickleball Sessions require registration. Registration starts every Monday morning at 8:00am by phone 250-762-4108 (or in person at the Centre). You may sign up for Thursday + 1 Weekend Session. Yourself […]
Our Pool Room on the 2nd floor of the Centre is equipped with 4 regulation size billiards tables. 1 designated for Eight Ball and the other 3 for Snooker. Although many of our regular players do bring their own cues we also have cues available for use for those who don’t own one. All Members […]
Designed for those 50 years of age and older who are looking to improve their strength and functional fitness through a fun group fitness experience. These classes include a cardio component along with the use of equipment such as steps, resistance bands, pilates & stability balls, and weights (at your discretion) to provide you a […]
Arrive at 9:15 for check in, set up, tuning, and hello's. Lessons start promptly at 9:30. This class is for those who need to learn the basics of chords & strumming. You do need your own ukulele to participate. Copies of printed music can be purchased from the Instructor.
Table Tennis is a fun and exciting game enjoyed by people of all ages and from all walks of life. Anyone can enjoy playing table tennis. We have a fun group of players from beginners to more advanced who love to play the game and have a good time. Monday, Wednesday, and Friday mornings. Come […]
Parkinson Senior Centre offers a multi-level Hatha Yoga class that is suitable for anybody and everybody. Each 90-minute class will have some focus on breath work (pranayama), a variety of poses (asanas) to stretch and strengthen the entire body and end with relaxation (savasana). The only rule in the class is to listen to your […]
Our Instructor, Harold (Hajime) Naka, will guide you through this class using moving meditation exercises to optimize energy within the body, mind, and spirit, with the goal of improving and maintaining health and well-being.
We play both Hong Kong New World & American Mahjong. To play Hong Kong style our group is able to supply you with a copy of the latest sheet if you do not have a copy. For American style you will need to pre-purchase the current year's card from . (9$ USD). Sorry but […]
Wizard is a card game similar to Bridge that is gaining in popularity. It can be played with 4, 5 or 6 people making it flexible for singles to drop in. Basic premise is that you bid for tricks at an auction and proceed to capture them via straight bidding with no conventions, making it […]
Our Pool Room on the 2nd floor of the Centre is equipped with 4 regulation size billiards tables. 1 designated for Eight Ball and the other 3 for Snooker. Although many of our regular players do bring their own cues we also have cues available for use for those who don’t own one. All Members […]
Designed for those 50 years of age and older who are looking to improve their strength and functional fitness through a fun group fitness experience. These classes include a cardio component along with the use of equipment such as steps, resistance bands, pilates & stability balls, and weights (at your discretion) to provide you a […]
Bring the materials and project that you would like to work on and take part in this creative atmosphere with fellow crafters. Anything from paper crafting, card making, scrapbooking, knitting, crocheting, what ever creative passion you may have. Learn or share something new.
Arrive at 9:15 for check in, set up, tuning, and hello's. Jam Session starts promptly at 9:30. This session is for those who have already taken the lessons or already know how to play. It's an opportunity to practice with others and learn new songs. You need to have your own ukulele to participate. Printed music can […]
Designed for those 50 years of age and older who are looking to improve their strength and functional fitness through a fun group fitness experience. These classes include a cardio component along with the use of equipment such as steps, resistance bands, pilates & stability balls, and weights (at your discretion) to provide you a […]
This class is for more experienced line dancers and would be the next step up from Level 2. The 1st hour concentrates on Low Improver to Easy Intermediate (Level 3) line dances and the 2nd hour concentrates on Intermediate/Advanced (Level 4) dances. The Level 3 portion of the class will follow the Level 2 format. […]
Come join us here at the Parkinson Activity Centre for a great game of Scrabble. You don’t have to be a scrabble superstar to join in so come and have fun while keeping your mind sharp. You are going to meet some great people for sure.
Casual. No Partner or Sign up required. This session DOES have a Director but play does not count towards masters points. New players Welcome. TO VIEW SCORES for both Tuesday & Wednesday’s games please visit the Parkinson Senior Society BridgeWebs site at:
ATTENTION DANCE COUPLES - Practice your ballroom dancing here at the Centre on Tuesdays (4:30pm - 6:30pm) and Fridays (5:00pm - 7:00pm) each week for a $2 drop in fee. Sorry - Members Only and Couples Only. So if you'd like to join in but aren't a Member yet - just drop by the Centre […]
Table Tennis is a fun and exciting game enjoyed by people of all ages and from all walks of life. Anyone can enjoy playing table tennis. We have a fun group of players from beginners to more advanced who love to play the game and have a good time. Monday, Wednesday, and Friday mornings. Come […]
Our Pool Room on the 2nd floor of the Centre is equipped with 4 regulation size billiards tables. 1 designated for Eight Ball and the other 3 for Snooker. Although many of our regular players do bring their own cues we also have cues available for use for those who don’t own one. All Members […]
Designed for those 50 years of age and older who are looking to improve their strength and functional fitness through a fun group fitness experience. These classes include a cardio component along with the use of equipment such as steps, resistance bands, pilates & stability balls, and weights (at your discretion) to provide you a […]
Trekkers meet at the Parkinson Activity Centre,1700 Parkinson Way, at 9:00am on Wednesdays unless otherwise indicated. View Monthly Schedule of Dates & Destinations as well as pertinent information on the HIKING GROUP PAGE. You must be a Member to attend at Check In at the Centre prior to starting out - unless you meet at […]
Parkinson Senior Centre offers a multi-level Hatha Yoga class that is suitable for anybody and everybody. Each 90-minute class will have some focus on breath work (pranayama), a variety of poses (asanas) to stretch and strengthen the entire body and end with relaxation (savasana). The only rule in the class is to listen to your […]
Perfect for people with limited mobility, balance issues, or in recovery – This gentle form of yoga is practiced sitting in a chair or standing using a chair for support. Starting with a short meditation, followed by breathing exercise, then the practice. The poses, or Asana, are often adaptations of Hatha yoga. We will end […]
Casual. No Partner or Sign up required. This session DOES have a Director but play does not count towards masters points. New players Welcome. TO VIEW SCORES for both Tuesday & Wednesday’s games please visit the Parkinson Senior Society BridgeWebs site at:
If you have an interest in the visual arts and would like to join this group each week, they would love to have you. Bring along your latest project or the materials to start something new and be inspired by the group atmosphere here at the Parkinson Activity Centre. This group receives professional instruction several […]
Our Pool Room on the 2nd floor of the Centre is equipped with 4 regulation size billiards tables. 1 designated for Eight Ball and the other 3 for Snooker. Although many of our regular players do bring their own cues we also have cues available for use for those who don’t own one. All Members […]
Designed for those 50 years of age and older who are looking to improve their strength and functional fitness through a fun group fitness experience. These classes include a cardio component along with the use of equipment such as steps, resistance bands, pilates & stability balls, and weights (at your discretion) to provide you a […]
Designed for those 50 years of age and older who are looking to improve their strength and functional fitness through a fun group fitness experience. These classes include a cardio component along with the use of equipment such as steps, resistance bands, pilates & stability balls, and weights (at your discretion) to provide you a […]
FYI - this class is held in the gym. Pilates is a form of exercise, developed by Joseph Pilates, which emphasizes the balanced development of the body through core strength, flexibility, and awareness in order to support efficient, graceful movement. Linda MacCormack will lead you through a mat workout that you will definitely find beneficial. […]
We play both Hong Kong New World & American Mahjong. To play Hong Kong style our group is able to supply you with a copy of the latest sheet if you do not have a copy. For American style you will need to pre-purchase the current year's card from . (9$ USD). Sorry but […]
A trick-taking card game most commonly played with four people in two partnerships with a deck of 24, 28, or sometimes 32, standard playing cards. Our great group of regulars welcome all new players to join them and learn this wonderful game. You do not need a partner to attend.
This session is open to all levels. Please be respectful of each other and above all, have fun! IMPORTANT NOTE: Thursday, Saturday & Sunday Pickleball Sessions require registration. Registration starts every Monday morning at 8:00am by phone 250-762-4108 (or in person at the Centre). You may sign up for Thursday + 1 Weekend Session. Yourself […]
Table Tennis is a fun and exciting game enjoyed by people of all ages and from all walks of life. Anyone can enjoy playing table tennis. We have a fun group of players from beginners to more advanced who love to play the game and have a good time.
$8 for Members / $10 for Non-Members * Vic’s Dance Band performs Live. Up-tempo music such as Two Step, Waltz, Jive, Ballroom, Cha Cha, Polka, Rhumba and many more of your favorite styles to dance to. * Singles are always Welcome!
This is a strength and conditioning class designed to work all muscle groups during a low impact, steady paced, pump based workout to music.
Table Tennis is a fun and exciting game enjoyed by people of all ages and from all walks of life. Anyone can enjoy playing table tennis. We have a fun group of players from beginners to more advanced who love to play the game and have a good time. Monday, Wednesday, and Friday mornings. Come […]
Our Pool Room on the 2nd floor of the Centre is equipped with 4 regulation size billiards tables. 1 designated for Eight Ball and the other 3 for Snooker. Although many of our regular players do bring their own cues we also have cues available for use for those who don’t own one. All Members […]
Designed for those 50 years of age and older who are looking to improve their strength and functional fitness through a fun group fitness experience. These classes include a cardio component along with the use of equipment such as steps, resistance bands, pilates & stability balls, and weights (at your discretion) to provide you a […]
Our Instructor, Harold (Hajime) Naka, will guide you through this class using moving meditation exercises to optimize energy within the body, mind, and spirit, with the goal of improving and maintaining health and well-being.
Parkinson Senior Centre offers a multi-level Hatha Yoga class that is suitable for anybody and everybody. Each 90-minute class will have some focus on breath work (pranayama), a variety of poses (asanas) to stretch and strengthen the entire body and end with relaxation (savasana). The only rule in the class is to listen to your […]
Want to learn this fast growing sport! This Session – every Friday – from 12:30 – 2:15 pm is for Beginners only to learn the rules and game play. Once you know how to serve, count, and court position you move on. Some may need to take this session multiple times.
Join our enthusiastic Canasta players each and every Friday at 12:45pm. Drop in fee is only $2.00. You do not need a partner to attend.
This Session every Friday after the Lesson is from 2:15 – 4:30 pm. It is for those who have attended at least one Lesson and know how to serve, count, and understand court position. Here you will receive Coaching to improve your skills to move up to the next Level. Here the instructors will run […]
This session is strictly for beginners transitioning into play. Please do not attend if you are a higher level than 3.0. Look to the schedule for the day your level is played. IMPORTANT NOTE: Thursday, Saturday & Sunday Pickleball Sessions require registration. Registration starts every Monday morning at 8:00am by phone 250-762-4108 (or in person […]
For well skilled players only. This is the highest play level at the Centre meant for those with experience. Expect a faster pace as you will be expected to keep up. IMPORTANT NOTE: Thursday, Saturday & Sunday Pickleball Sessions require registration. Registration starts every Monday morning at 8:00am by phone 250-762-4108 (or in person at […]