250-762-4108 [email protected]


Crafting – $2

Parkinson Senior Centre 1700 Parkinson Way, Kelowna, BC, Canada

Bring the materials and project that you would like to work on and take part in this creative atmosphere with fellow crafters. Anything from paper crafting, card making, scrapbooking, knitting, crocheting, what ever creative passion you may have. Learn or share something new.


Ukulele Jam Session – $3

Parkinson Senior Centre 1700 Parkinson Way, Kelowna, BC, Canada

Arrive at 9:15 for check in, set up, tuning, and hello's. Jam Session starts promptly at 9:30. This session is for those who have already taken the lessons or already know how to play. It's an opportunity to practice with others and learn new songs. You need to have your own ukulele to participate. Printed music can […]


Osteofit for Life

Parkinson Senior Centre 1700 Parkinson Way, Kelowna, BC, Canada

Physical activity can prevent and even manage more common health issues.  In addition, physical activity can increase the ease of performing your everyday activities and make significant improvements in your overall quality of life.  Osteofit is a BC Women’s Hospital and Health Center Program. Osteofit is a specially designed exercise and educational program for those […]


Line Dancing – Level 1 – $2

Parkinson Senior Centre 1700 Parkinson Way, Kelowna, BC, Canada

This class is for dancers who are brand new to line dance (no experience) as well as dancers who have not danced for a number of years and need a refresher on the basic steps. Basic beginner line dance steps are taught in this class and teaches are at a slower pace. The goal is […]


Duplicate Bridge (with Director)- $4

Parkinson Senior Centre 1700 Parkinson Way, Kelowna, BC, Canada

Casual. No Partner or Sign up required. This session DOES have a Director but play does not count towards masters points. New players Welcome.  TO VIEW SCORES for both Tuesday & Wednesday’s games please visit the Parkinson Senior Society BridgeWebs site at: https://www.bridgewebs.com/parkinsonseniorbridge/      


Ballroom Dance practice – $2

Parkinson Senior Centre 1700 Parkinson Way, Kelowna, BC, Canada

ATTENTION DANCE COUPLES - Practice your ballroom dancing here at the Centre on Tuesdays (4:30pm - 6:30pm) and Fridays (5:00pm - 7:00pm) each week for a $2 drop in fee. Sorry - Members Only and Couples Only. So if you'd like to join in but aren't a Member yet - just drop by the Centre […]


Hiking Group – no charge

Parkinson Senior Centre 1700 Parkinson Way, Kelowna, BC, Canada

Trekkers meet at the Parkinson Activity Centre,1700 Parkinson Way, at 9:00am on Wednesdays unless otherwise indicated. View Monthly Schedule of Dates & Destinations as well as pertinent information on the HIKING GROUP PAGE.  You must be a Member to attend at Check In at the Centre prior to starting out - unless you meet at […]


Chair Yoga (upstairs) – $3

Parkinson Senior Centre 1700 Parkinson Way, Kelowna, BC, Canada

Perfect for people with limited mobility, balance issues, or in recovery – This gentle form of yoga is practiced sitting in a chair or standing using a chair for support. Starting with a short meditation, followed by breathing exercise, then the practice. The poses, or Asana, are often adaptations of Hatha yoga. We will end […]


Wednesday Dinner Club – $15

Parkinson Senior Centre 1700 Parkinson Way, Kelowna, BC, Canada

Join us every Wednesday in the Bistro for the Dinner Club! A time to socialize with old friends and make new ones. Dinner is served promptly at 5:00pm. Tickets must be purchased in advance at the Centre - $15 per person. Cash Only. They will be made available one week in advance, each Wednesday, starting […]


Beginner Stott Pilates – $5

Parkinson Senior Centre 1700 Parkinson Way, Kelowna, BC, Canada

FYI - this class is held in the gym. Pilates is a form of exercise, developed by Joseph Pilates, which emphasizes the balanced development of the body through core strength, flexibility, and awareness in order to support efficient, graceful movement. Linda MacCormack will lead you through a mat workout that you will definitely find beneficial.  […]
